Rent is due on the 1st day of the month. We accept online payments through You should receive an invitation to set up a payment account by email from If you have not received this, please notify the office with your preferred email address and a new invitation will be sent. We also accept payments made by personal checks.
Regardless of the method used to pay rent, it is the Tenant’s responsibility to ensure that the Landlord has received the full amount of rent due for the apartment on time to avoid a late fee.
Paying By Check: All payments must be made in US $ and the check must be drawn on a US bank:
213 Ives Street
Make checks payable to 213 Ives Street, LLC
Halsey St, Briggs Rd
Make checks payable to Daniel Stone
To send a check, address the check to the Landlord listed above, and mail it to:
c/o Stone Property Management, LLC, PO Box 41468, Providence, RI 02940
We do not accept rent payments via third-party apps, such as Zelle, PayPal, Venmo or Cash$. You may use, initiate a payment through your bank’s online bill pay service, or send us a physical check in the mail.
Application Deposits: To submit an application deposit, you may pay cash, send a check, or pay by Venmo. The Venmo user ID, for application deposits ONLY, is @KarenSeiler